The next online Active Hope Course begins in Nov 2023
Leading through Climate Change
This course is for people wanting to influence what is happening on Earth, to make a positive difference for future generations of life. We are in a climate and environmental crisis. There is an urgency to act! ………yet action without reflection, calmness and clear thinking can be wasteful and burn yourself and others up. This course offers you a supported, focused safe place to think and feel deeply in order to take wise actions. Time to step back, reflect, and to reconnect with your core values and purpose, to identify what you want to stand for; and to connect with others, both human and more-than-human.
To book on the course email
The Active Hope Course explores our human responses to this environmental crisis, and envisages how to move forwards resourced and courageous to make a meaningful impact, however small.
This workshop is a safe place to be with our feelings, helping us to stay grounded, connected and responsive to what’s happening in our lives, our communities and our world. Unless we have spaces to feel our responses to the destruction in our world we can easily feel paralysed or numb – and not take the necessary action to prevent more harm. Or maybe we are actively engaged in dealing with environmental / social issues already and we need space and time to care for ourselves in these liminal times, to avoid burnout.
“I found this course literally changed my life! Instead of waiting and hoping for change outside my control, for instance in the form of legislation change, I realised I could make a difference - however small. If you’re keen to make your difference, this might just help.”
We will explore tools to help us to be present, and to remain open and loving as we move through this crisis. We will envisage how to work together to shape the world of tomorrow. For example, we may do a Council of All Beings, when we each talk about our experience of living through these times; each of us speaks as a being from the more-than-human world.
We will move through the 4 stages of the spiral of Joanna Macy:-
Honouring our pain
Seeing with new eyes
Going forth
Outcomes of the course:-
Reconnecting with one’s values and purpose
Learning to come from gratitude and to realise the deep interconnectedness of all life
Gaining tools to e.g. communicate well, manage oneself and others, work in a safe and collaborative group, creatively reflect and to come up with fresh ideas, work through the spiral
Approaches to maintain a sustainable life for oneself and others, and the importance of inclusion
Identifying evaluating and prioritising actions to take into one’s life
Re-energising by being in a group that supports and challenges on the issues that you deeply care about
A sense of belonging that supports well-being and ease
Next course Dates starting Nov 2023
The course is run online on Zoom every one or two weeks on a Wednseday evening 6.45 - 9 pm UK time.
Here are the dates of the course:-
Nov 1st, 8th, 22nd
Dec 6th, 13th, 20th,
This course is highly interactive and is based on the work of Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone. The group will be facilitated by Jeannie Hodder, an experienced Leadership and Climate Change Coach and Facilitator.
I am asking for contributions that reflect what feels possible for you:
Level 1 - subsidised rate: £100
Level 2 - covers cost of course facilitation: £150
Level 3 - enables others to participate at subsidised rate: £250
N.B. Your contribution covers six online workshops & partnered practices.
I aim to make this programme as inclusive as possible - if you would like to participate and feel that the financial aspect would block you from doing so, please get in touch.
Your financial contribution (where possible) sustains me in continuing to offer the course.
Spaces are limited so booking is essential.
how to book / more information
Email Jeannie: and please include a few sentences about why you want to join
and what you hope to achieve from joining the group.
“I came out of the course feeling more empowered and determined, and with more awareness of the importance of acting for our planet, even in small ways.”
What does the word “Hope” mean when we talk about Active Hope?
Active Hope is a practice. It is something we do rather than have. It is a process we can apply to any situation, and it involves three key steps. First, we take in a clear view of reality; second, we identify what we hope for in terms of the direction we’d like things to move in, or the values we’d like to see expressed; and third, we take steps to move ourselves or our situation in that direction.
The guiding impetus is intention; we choose what we aim to bring about, act for, or express. Rather than weighing our chances and proceeding only when we feel hopeful, we focus on our intention and let it be our guide in what we do.*
Jeannie has trained with Joanna Macy and is qualified to facilitate Active Hope groups.
*From Active Hope- How to Face the Mess We’re in with unexpected resilience and Creative Power by Chris Johnstone and Joanna Macy 2022
“The course acted as a catalyst, helping me acknowledge and release negative emotions around the topic of climate change so I could move forward with greater conviction and positivity.”